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DEF. A word is one, two or more letters (either vowel, e.g. a,i,u,e,o or consonant, e.g. b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y and z) which are combined each other and create a clear or certain meaning. On the other hand, when you read the combination of letters, you understand and know the meaning in your own language.

There are two types of word in English, they are:

1. Structural-meaning-word, and
2. Lexical-meaning-word.

Structural-meaning-word is a word that has no exact or clear meaning. When you look up your dictionary, you will find nothing (the meaning) instead of explanation about the definition or the use of it. Therefore This structural-meaning-word only has a use of a function.

For examples:

1. Article (e.g. /a/, /an/ and /the/),
2. Preposition (e.g. /in/,/on/,/at/,/from/,/with/,/of/,/near/,/by/,/off/,/behind/,/above/, etc), and
3. Auxilliary (e.g. /does/,/is/,/am/,/are/,/was/,/did/,/will/,/have/,/had/,/ought to/, etc).

Those words are called "Structural-meaning-word. However, they have some functions to build a complete sentence.

Lexical-meaning-word is a word that has an exact or clear meaning. When you look up your dictionary, you'll find the meaning and you understand it and are able to write the meaning clearly.

For Examples:

1. Noun
2. Adjective
3. Adverb
4. Verb
5. Adverb, etc

Further, a word must be understood either in meaning or in its use to build a complete sentence. When you write a wrong word, like:

1. Possibility (True)
2. Possiblity (False),

Then your listeners will not understand it, right?. Therefore, writing or pronouncing a good and true word is a Must. Then you have to practise to write or pronounce (read) based on the phonetic in your dictionary.


DEF. a part of speech is the elements of speech (a context or a sentence).

For examples:

1. Noun
2. Pronoun
3. Verb
4. Adjective
5. Adverb
6. Conjunction
7. Preposition
8. Articles
9. Interjection

Some of the authors of English Grammar determines that there are 9, 8, 11 or 14 kinds of part of speech in English. Actually, it depends on the author's point of view. In this case, we can not argue to combine the opinion. Besides, this rule is based on the experiments or research and study of English deeply.

Take notice that, not all the elements or the parts included or functioned to build a complete sentence.

For examples:

She never told me a lie. (In Indonesia lang. => Dia tidak pernah berkata bohong padaku).

In the sentence above, we can find that there are ;

1. two elements of pronouns (Subject/she/ and object/me/)
2. One Verb (/told/)
3. One adverb of frequency (/never/)
4. One article (/a/), and
5. One Noun (/lie/)

Study this following examples:

Martini is a student.
What I need now is your help.
Where are you from?
Who said that?
Did you still remember me?
One of the students are in jail for the criminal action.


Perhaps, this sub-title will invite some arguments from other authors or lecturer, even from native speakers. Because this explanation is one of 3nglish7's method to understand English Grammar more effective and Efficient. Let me say that I have already made a research for more than 10 years to find the best method to study english specially in english Grammar, although you still find many mistakes found in this blog's sentence structure.